Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Drive Home: The Corn Palace

The other big event of Day Three was stopping by Mitchell SD to see the Corn Palace. We learned about the Corn Palace from our friend, Rick, who said it was a 'must see'.

The Corn Palace is an entertainment venue whose front is decorated each year with corn cobs specially grown to adorn the Corn Palace. This is how it looks in 2009:

We were fortunate to see the Corn Palace completely decorated, in its full glory, because we may have arrived while they were busy redoing it for the new year.

The corn cobs are cut in half, longwise, and stapled to the front to create the intricate designs. I've built a little montage of the five main panels currently gracing the Corn Palace exterior:

The designs were very topical, since we had just come from Mount Rushmore, had seen the Space Needle in Seattle, and the space shuttle was landing while we were there.

To make things even more perfect, I was able to get this shot of Steve with 'Mr. Corn':

I may be joking around a little, but it was actually a fun stop, and yet another reminder that all of America does not live on the coasts and we are a diverse and interesting country. It is worth noting that a performer coming soon to the Corn Palace was David Cook, the winner of last year's American Idol. He is a great and contemporary performer, I voted for him myself, so the Corn Palace gets some pretty good acts...

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